Tork multifold hand towel natural h2

25,78 $


Tork Universal Multifold Hand Towels provide the right combinationof quality, performance and value. Multifold design helps tominimize towel usage, resulting in lower overall costs and sourcereduction benefits. 9.5″ x 8.1″ size fits all standard C-fold, multifoldand C-fold/multifold combination dispensers. “No touch” hand towelservice offers sanitary conditions. Towels are made from 100%recycled fibers and a minimum of 50% Post Consumer fibersproviding environmental benefits, and a positive image builder.Replaces MK1838E. ECOLOGO® and Green Seal™ Certified.Compostable Verified by Independent Verification.
Unité de mesure :

Information complémentaire

Poids 16,98 kg


Qté d'emballages dans la caisse


Volume de la caisse


Pays d\'origine

Dimensions du produit

9.5 L x 8.1 L

Est-ce une matière dangereuse

Environmental Status